Where Does Scalp Micropigmentation Fit in with Treating Hair Loss?

If you’ve experienced hair loss from pattern baldness, hormone abnormalities, or any other cause, or you’re dealing with thinning hair, scalp micropigmentation may be able to safely and noninvasively restore a fuller appearance. The treatment provides an alternative to hair transplant surgery for people who prefer a less invasive procedure.

What is Micropigmentation?

Scalp micropigmentation is used to create the illusion of small follicles in bald or thinning areas of the scalp. It’s similar to a tattoo but is not permanent, rather lasts around five years so that if in the future your hair color should change, the pigment can be changed as well. The pigmentation fills in areas of loss to provide better coverage and make your hair appear fuller.

How Does Micropigmentation Differ from a Hair Transplant?

Unlike hair transplants, scalp micropigmentation doesn’t require any kind of surgery. No incisions are required, and there’s no removal of follicles from a donor site and no implanting of hair. You don’t get any new hair growth as a result.

What Results Can Be Expected?

Because scalp micropigmentation doesn’t make hair grow back, the final look is more of a “shadow” or buzz cut appearance. This works well for men who buzz their heads, or men or women who want to fill in thinning areas without undergoing a hair transplant.

Treatments take one to three hours, and the amount of coverage you wind up with depends on how much hair loss you’ve experienced. No washing of the scalp for the first three to four days, but there are no other healing issues that would cause downtime.

Does Micropigmentation Have Any Risks?

Although no surgery is involved, it is possible to have adverse side effects from the micropigmentation procedure. Allergic reactions to or infections from the ink rarely occur, and more research is needed to determine potential long-term health effects of the pigments. You can minimize risks by finding a board-certified doctor, like Dr. Epstein, who uses high-quality organic ink, works only with sterile instrumentation, and has done extensive research into best-practices for micropigmentation.

Before deciding on scalp micropigmentation, compare all your options for hair restoration. Consider how treatments and recovery time fit into your lifestyle and schedule a consultation with Dr. Epstein to get his expert opinion on the best option for you.

Is Dr. Epstein for You?

To learn more, or to schedule a consultation in Miami or virtually, call 305.666.1774 or email info@drjeffreyepstein.com. You can also fill out the form below to reach Dr. Epstein’s assistants Roxy or Dannette.

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6280 Sunset Dr #504, Miami FL 33143

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