What You Need to Know Before Getting Eyelid Surgery

Have your eyelids begun to sag, droop or look puffy? If so, you may be a candidate for eyelid surgery. This procedure can address problems caused by the natural loosening of the skin and muscles around the eyes, as well as the protuberance of fat, as you age.

What Does Eyelid Surgery Correct?

Lifting drooping eyelids is often thought of as a cosmetic procedure because it can make you look younger and more alert. However, the procedure also addresses problems with vision caused by severe drooping. Some people have difficulty opening their eyes all the way or struggle with impaired peripheral vision. Others experience sagging of the lower lids which exposes the lower eye.

Am I a Good Candidate for Eyelid Surgery?

To be a candidate for eyelid surgery, you must be healthy and fully able to heal from the required incisions. Those with serious eye conditions are not likely to be considered for the procedure.  Smoking can delay healing but is not a contraindication, but is best discontinued around the time of surgery.

The best way to find out if you are a candidate is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Epstein so he can review your medical history and assess your specific needs.

How is Eyelid Surgery Performed?

Prior to the upper eyeld procedure, local anesthesia and oral sedation are administered. Dr. Epstein then cuts along the fold of the upper lid so that the incision is hidden within the eyelid crease, then removes excess skin and sometimes, as indicated, excess muscle and or fat, to sculpt the desired appearance.  The incisions are then closed with fine sutures which are removed at one week.  For the lower eyelids, the incision is usually made in the inside of the lower eyelid to remove and sometimes redrape the excess fat so it fills the tear trough hollow, then if needed a small cuff of excess skin is removed. No sutures are typically placed in the lower eyelids.

Dr. Epstein and his team will give you recovery instructions when the surgery is complete. Follow all instructions for optimal healing and best results.

Understanding the Risks of Eyelid Surgery

Because eyelid surgery is performed on a sensitive area close to your eyes, you may experience complications such as:

  • Dry eyes or irritation
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Skin discoloration
  • Skin numbness around lid edges

And in extremely rare cases, double or even loss of vision have been reported.

If you’re considering eyelid surgery, schedule a consultation with Dr. Epstein today. He can explain the procedure, review before-and-after pictures with you and explain the results you can expect.

Is Dr. Epstein for You?

To learn more, or to schedule a consultation in Miami or virtually, call 305.666.1774 or email info@drjeffreyepstein.com. You can also fill out the form below to reach Dr. Epstein’s assistants Roxy or Dannette.

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6280 Sunset Dr #504, Miami FL 33143

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