Thanx …recuperating without incident… and NO pain meds required at all.
Last night I counted each and every graft in the mirror…but I only got 3,547 !! ?

Thanx for the professionalism of all concerned with the procedure, and please feel free to personally give them my appreciation and regards. I hope they enjoyed me half as much as I enjoyed them!

I clearly plan to refer all my patients thinking of hair-loss procedure to Jeff.

Interestingly, my brother , a retired Obstetrician (also curiously enough named “Jeff”) will be calling your office within the next month or two . You won’t get us confused ..because I am younger and MUCH cuter ….and of course more modest .

Thx again for your beauty and good demeanor…and now let’s hope for good things to “crop up” over the next 10 months. I am the “Toppik-King” of Miami…so I’m anxiously looking to see their sales drop precipitously as I desist from use thereof.

We’ll be in touch.


Is Dr. Epstein for You?

To learn more, or to schedule a consultation in Miami or virtually, call 305.666.1774 or email info@drjeffreyepstein.com. You can also fill out the form below to reach Dr. Epstein’s assistants Roxy or Dannette.

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Sunset Professional Building
6280 Sunset Dr #504, Miami FL 33143

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